The files below are exact duplicates of the same newsletter.
We provide multiple copies for simultaneous downloads.

In order to maintain the quality of the newsletter, the PDF?s will now be between 3-4 megs. If you have trouble downloading a large file, please email and we can send a more compressed version (it will affect the quality).

You can also download via our ftp site at:


Delphi_118 copy 1

Delphi_118 copy 2

Delphi_118 copy 3

Delphi_118 copy 4

Delphi_118 copy 5

Delphi_118 copy 6

Most recent past newsletters:


Delphi_117_text only


Delphi_116_text only


Delphi_115_text only


Delphi_114_text only

 If you have any questions or problems, please email

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These downloads require Adobe® Acrobat Reader
