Serena Wright Taylor
Vedic astrologer
Intuitive counselor

Serena has been an executive member of Delphi Associates from the beginning.  She knows how to guide you to success in personal relationships, financial abundance, health and healing as well as helping you to connect with your own Spirit Guides and Angels.

A background of spiritual discipline, psychic development and on-going education through spiritual communication helps Serena to give readings that are profound, nurturing and life changing.

To visit Serena?s web site click on her picture

Sean says ?Due to her insight, sensitivity and compassion, my life has definitely changed for the better?


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Betty Wall

Betty is an intuitive consultant. She uses her psychic abilities to bring through messages and information for clients who are intent on living a spiritual life evolving through learning experiences and creating peace and love by their example. For more information and how to contact Betty, click on her photo.


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When you want something different. Astrology to UFO gifts.

CeCe Stevens, Professional astrologer, dower and numerologist. To have your reading done, contact CeCe at: or visit her web page at:


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staceyStacey Dean
Psychic Astrologer

Ms. Dean has been tested, and is certified - professional astrologer, by two of the world's premier astrological organizations. She earned the most coveted status, PMAFA, Professional Member American Federation of Astrologers, through The American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, Arizona, America's first and oldest astrological organization. Her NCGR-2 status was awarded through The National Council For Geocosmic Research, Manhattan, New York.

Stacey is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, C.H.T. She works exclusively with Past Life Regression as an alternative healing modality. Her unique method of combining regression therapy, and her expertise with esoteric Past Life Astrology interpretations, gets unprecedented results.

To reach Stacey's website, click on her photo. She can also be reached via email at: or by phone at: