Issue #1, Welcome- The Process. This was the very first newsletter...where it all began! Download PDF

Issue #13, The White Buffalo Download PDF

Issue #19, May Day! May Day! Initial questions about the Oklahoma City Bombing. This was the first publication to openly question the government's story on the OKC bombing. Download PDF

Issue #22, The Islamic Jihad. The predicted alliance between Iraz and Iran comes to pass. Download PDF

Issue #26, All Our Yesterdays. Predictions from 1995. Download PDF

Issue #30, The Man who Fell to Earth. The first indepth interview with Pleiadian contactee Adrain. Download PDF

Issue #41, Event Horizon. View of human history and an exclusive intereview with Yanni. Download PDF

Issue #60, Whose Side are You On? Farewell blue skies, one of the first national looks at Chemtrails. Download PDF

Issue #71, This Island Earth Download PDF

Issue #74, Season of Horror. Written only 3-days after the 9/11 attacks. Download PDF

Issue #84, Armegeddon Shuffle: Download PDF

Issue #99, Postcards from Egypt: Download PDF

Issue #103, Answer Man: Download PDF


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